Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST
Many times we believe we know what search terms people use to find the products or services we sell, but do we?
With this tool, you discover the facts of what keywords people use that are relative to your business, and that often, those search terms or keywords are not what you thought.
Don't guess. Know.
RankMyCity™ is a report generated once a month and lists all the keywords associated with your business and listed in order of frequency and also degree of difficulty to increase your ranking. The report also shows how many views your website got from the search term.
The goal is to be aware of opportunities to increase traffic and drive more sales to your sales team.
This report is part of the Insights Package.
RankMyCity™ shows the most highly searched keywords relevant to your business, and can deliver you high website traffic for low investment.
We provide a sensible platform to build your assets, understand your metrics, generate insights and develop a winning strategy.
Marketing assets that increase sales leads.
Leverage the power of Analytics to view your sales efforts.
Analytics provides insights to your game plan.
Insights reveal strategies that maximize sales leads with minimum investment.
Here to help. No phone calls unless you want us to!